Professor Brian To, OBE
- Global Private Management Consultant and Advisor
- Sr Professor of Leadership and Strategy, MDX
- Senior Fellow, Wharton School – University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Brian To is a Senior Practice Professor of Strategy and Leadership in several leading universities and a Senior Fellow at the Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania. He presently teaches Leadership and Strategy to the State Owned Enterprise Leaders and CEO’s in Beijing and Shanghai, China and Staging for China Business to the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in the Advanced Master’s program; Singapore, USA, and several other countries.
As a Business Professor and Management Adviser for over 25 years to Fortune 500 corporations, governments, emerging companies and family owned enterprises, he maintains a solid track record in strategizing for value creation, global high growth and revenue expansion in Asia, North America and Europe, and has strategized and facilitated several IPO’s and has helped companies increase their sales in the billions.
He presently works with some of the leading global firms and distinguished family enterprises across Asia and teaches Strategy, Innovation, Growth and Ethics in several leading EMBA, MBA, MSc, PhD, DBA, and Executive Development programs in and has taught at Oxford, HEC, CMU, SMU, LSE and numerous other leading institutions.
Brian is a graduate of Harvard, HEC Paris, Oxford, John F. Kennedy, INSEAD, Wharton, CMU, and holds a Masters in Management (MM), Master in Science (MSc) and a Master in Public Management (MPM) along with Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA). In 2004, he received a Doctorate (DUniv) from Middlesex University and in 2010 has completed a Doctorate in Chinese Business and Management (DProf). Presently he is now completing another Doctoral degree in public service and policy.
He has advised and coached numerous CEO’s and Managing Directors and corporations towards significantly advancing profitability, and the personal and professional performance of global leaders in North America and throughout Asia. His advisory practice is focused on hypercompetitive strategy and revenue expansions. In addition to teaching in both the corporate and public sectors, for more than half decade, he teaches in several Military Institutes on the subjects of Strategy and Leadership.
Brian’s research interests include Family Owned Enterprises and Strategy, and he has been published in the Far East Economic Review, Inside Asia Gaming, South China Elite among many others. Brian presently holds three senior military ranks including one star Commodore, advises several country leaders and is described by Forbes Magazine (January, 2008) as one of Asia’s greatest thinkers!
Recently, Brian is the recipient of two teaching awards from SMU (2019)