Zone Ahos, Pagatpatan, Paknaan Mandaue City

Apr 22, 2020 | Feed 2 Read | 0 comments

Zone Ahos, Pagatpatan, Paknaan Mandaue City – is a community of relocated families who live in this area where access to running water and electricity is non existent. SimplyShare foundation together with Rev. Fr. Pat Ornopia of the Mabolo Parish Church and the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity have adopted these families by giving regular feedings to the children there. According to Fr. Pat, it is important that we not only nourished their bodies but their spirits as well. When we feed the hungry, we give them hope too.

It was after Christmas that on Jan. 11, 2020, the Sacred Heart School for Boys HS Class of 1973 collaborated with SSFI and their partners to do a post Christmas feeding and gift giving event where more than 200 children and parents gathered in the Saint Teresa of Calcutta chapel to receive the gifts of love. It was so humbling to see the kids ‘ reaction when they saw the pack meal from Jollibee, slippers and toys. They were ecstatic! To them, Christmas just arrived!

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